2D Water is pleased to celebrate the official launch of the ARC Research Hub for Energy-efficient Separation (ARC EESEP) on July 12, 2018. The Hub is the latest extension of the Australian Research Council, a Commonwealth entity that advises the Australian government on research matters, administers the National Competitive Grants Program, and is responsible for Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA).
ARC EESEP aims to develop advanced separation materials, innovative products and smart processes to reduce the energy consumption of separation processes which underpin Australian industry. The Hub focuses on the development, synthesis, characterisation and integration of advanced materials (membranes, adsorbents and resins), across scales to enable novel products. To achieve its goals, the Hub will form industrial partnerships, sponsor PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, establish a scientific advisory committee, and organize events to support strong integration between industry and academia and orient all stakeholders around similar objectives. As a result of their work, ARC EESEP hopes to support the majority of Australian industry in becoming more energy-efficient and cost-competitive in the global economy.
2D Water is proud to be one of the first industrial partners involved with ARC EESEP, and we greatly enjoyed to opportunity to speak at the Hub’s official launch workshop on July 13, 2018. We look forward to participating in more events and collaborations in the future, to support this exciting and constructive initiative.